
Accredited Holistic Practitioner

Fast-track Credentials & a Lucrative Turnkey Business!


Where else can you receive a fully accredited diploma and become professionally equipped with a complete business in a box with the option to join our team?!

Program Requirements

We raise the standards for qualifying healing professionals by fully training, equipping, and qualifying them, and more importantly - providing them with the coursework that enables them to achieve self-mastery by completing their own internal healing as a prerequisite to becoming fully eligible for an internationally recognized diploma as a certified holistic practitioner. Not only does this increase competency and eligibility but also positions our program graduates as the expert in their industry and prepares them to start or advance a DFY lucrative practice immediately upon successful completion of the course and preliminary exam!


Our practitioner training and practicum programs incorporate broad approaches to therapy that our practitioners become proficient in and offers a fully-accredited diploma that includes a done-for-you practitioners manual, an interactive & therapeutic workbook that provides templates for 1:1 or group sessions, and assessment forms for consultations + a turnkey business-in-a-box!


Get started on your own independent practice or apply to join our team of professionals!

We look forward to welcoming you!


About The Holistic Psychology &Holistic Practitioner Courses

The Practitioner Diploma eCourse is beneficial for healing professionals, as well as for those that are committed to growth and overcoming inherent patterns and subconscious programming, advancing their healing, or diving deeper to fulfill their purpose and unlock innate potential. This inner work will enable course participants to upgrade their mental and emotional psychology, recode self-sabotage, fears, and limiting beliefs, in addition to overcoming core trauma and generational patterns using advanced Genetic Recoding® strategies! This therapeutic technique will help instill new positive beliefs and habits to create positive momentum while empowering healthy family dynamics, and liberating the entire generational system. 

Become An Interneranionally Accredited Holistic Coach or Therapist in 6 Weeks!

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