Get the "I Am" book series. It's time to declare who God says you are and fulfill your purpose!
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In the face of accusations and threats from the enemy, people of divine purpose must boldly proclaim who they are, even as Jesus declared, “I Am.” This book series illuminates the “I Am” statements of Jesus, the underdog status from which he pronounced them, and the reality of Sonship he purchased for us with his own blood. The series begins with a Divine Purpose Manifesto, and continues with I Am Predestined and I Am a Creative, Speaking Spirit. Each volume is a building block for the construction of rightly-focused identity, which is necessary to win in life and take dominion. If you are unsure of what life holds or tempted to look down on yourself, feel inadequate, or succumb to negative self-talk, this series will give insight to the reality of who you are, and lift your confidence to where it belongs. Get ready to boldy declare, "I Am."

This book explores predestination, the first of the three realities the series addresses. In this volume, you discover the rich origins of your life, and truth that transcends mere fate to ascend to the dynamics of destiny. You existed in the mind of God before you manifested in the earth. You were designed for a particular destiny, purpose, and assignment. Get ready to be lifted and boldly declare, “I am.”

This volume begins by examining the image of God in which you were created, and the difference between soul and spirit. When God created the heavens and the earth, he spoke them into existence. That same creative power is in you. Discover the power that lies within you and the unlimited nature of the realm from which you came.

He came into the world as the Son of God, but his own received him not—they did not believe that he was who he said he was. Nevertheless, he proclaimed his manifesto, “I Am.” In this book, you will discover the power of those statements. Then, with new faith in your own status as daughter or son, you will proclaim your own manifesto. You too will be empowered to overachieve—to do greater works, in Jesus name.

I Am Seal
Chapter 1: Why a manifesto?
Focusing on Jesus as an example, you'll discover why you need a life manifesto.
I Am Seal
Chapter 2: In Good Company
You may feel like an underdog, but you're in good company. Jesus' brothers didn't even believe in him..
I Am Seal
Chapter 3: I Am, His Views
We derive our own divine purpose views from Jesus' views. His words become our mirror, the lens through which we view our own lives.
I Am Seal
Chapter 4: His Creed, Our Truth
A creed is a set of fundamental beliefs. Jesus' creed was sonship. His creed formed his identity, and that's what empowered him to declare his manifesto.
Lenita Reeves is an international speaker and senior leader who has published several books about Christian living.

Lenita Reeves is a prophetic voice, fueled by worship and a passion for intercession and prayer. She is also an author, speaker, counselor, wife, mother of four children, and senior leader of Action Chapel Baltimore.

 As a rape survivor and former teen mom, God has graced Lenita to be an outspoken overcomer, delivering insight in an approachable yet enlightening manner. From senior class president to founder of a non-profit, leadership has been an evident mark of Lenita’s calling and passions from the early stages of life. She is an international speaker, member of the RAINN speaker’s bureau, ordained pastor and founder of PurposeHouse Biblical Counseling.

Lenita Reeves © 2019. All rights reserved.
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