
What Just Happened?!

This 6-week program is geared toward women who have recently discovered infidelity in their relationship and have chosen to move forward alone. 


If you find yourself unsure what to do next, how to heal and are ready to shed the aftermath of what just happened, this program will support you while you navigate through it all. 

This program is for you if: 


  • You are in shock and disbelief that this has happened to you
  • You want to understand how someone could cheat on those they love
  • You struggle to supress feelings of shame being a victim of infidelity
  • You feel like you’re struggling to get back on your feet
  • You want to work through and lessen feelings of feeling emotionally and physically violated
  • You are experiencing anger towards your ex-partner
  • You are mourning a future that is no longer there
  • You are feeling numb from the trauma and crave being that strong, fearless, bad-ass woman you used to be
  • You need supports outside friends and family who may not understand what 
  • You are ready to feel discomfort as you work to shed this trauma
  • You are willing to questions beliefs you hold, ditching those that don’t serve you and create new ones that do







"Feel like it’s time return to the land of the living?"


It’s vital in these early days to recognize and avoid the classic pitfalls that come with traumas like betrayal. We can identify, eliminate, and safeguard against nasty side effects of betrayal that have made you their home (Feeling numb, having flashbacks, ruminations, or hypervigilance).  


Unravel and uncover the parts of you that may have been lost or buried during the relationship, so they can breathe and start to grow again. Open up your world, and reclaim any parts that became very small over the years. Even diving into accountability and determining your role in the breakdown, so it can be avoided in future.  


What's Included?


  • Weekly 1 on 1 calls for the duration of the program
  • Email support throughout
  • Bonus resources to support your progress
  • Adjustments to the program material as needed in order to best serve you


Pave the path for a whole new you.


And it wouldn’t be recovery if we didn’t start with ditching the bad habits (recent or long term), reinforcing boundaries, enhancing all aspects of your environment and routines to support your healing.  Moving on is a very personal journey, and will depend on what you want your future to look like.


Learn to listen to your own voice again.

Hear it tell you what it wants.

Where it wants to be.

To Go. And Do. And Have. 

It’s all yours. Looking for you to awaken and claim it.


Total Investment: $720 for entire 6-week Program




Clear away the rubble

Clarify what path you take out

Confirm what you’ve known all along


You are strong. You are Worthy.

You can and will do this. 

If you’re ready to begin your journey back to yourself, fill in this form to

get started! 


*Or if you still need a little more info, enter you email and we'll send ya more details. 

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