Happiness in Progress logo with image of Danielle Craig, podcast host wearing a coat, smiling at the camera
FREE SmartPhone HIP Habits

Do you struggle with creating a healthy relationship with your phone and social media?


Insert the 'Smart with Your Smartphone' HIP habits worksheets.


In this FREE four-week challenge, you will learn ways to take control over your phone - so it's not controlling you. 


The HIP Habits workpages will walk you through four weeks of smartphone habits. First, we'll start with a digital detox. I'll help you set parameters that work for you. 


Next, you'll learn how to set boundaries and what questions to ask yourself to make sure these boundaries benefit your life.


In week 3, you'll learn about how to curate your social media feeds to make sure they give you exactly what you want when you log on.


We'll wrap up with a challenge to turn off your notifications. 

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