The idea of having the clear basic foundations needed to identify, assess and controlling hazards and risk is vital in creating a safety system & sustain the effectiveness of ensuring the safety all over the workplaces.
To maximize the identification of every possible causes of harm to people, damages to properties & environment. 
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Enhance Your Career and be Safety Professional
Find out how safety professionals make it posible
OHSAS 18001
OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety specification, including the planning for hazard identification, risk analysis, risk control and OH&S legal and other requirements
Hazard and Risk Management
A minimum package of a Safety Professional competence and skill set to perform and elevate your performance and chances of landing a dream job. (OHSAS 18001 Essentials PLUS Hazards & Risk Management PLUS Behavioral Safety Management) in one course.
Behavioral-based safety management
Behavioral-Based Safety) seminar-workshop provides a safety professional a clear path on managing workplace safety to culture excellence by making safe behavior and workplace conditions part of the work culture.
Advance Safety Officer Training Course
A costumize training course just for you to:
  • Create your own Behavioral-based safety program
  • Create your own safety plan
  • RACI charting
  • Safety Master Plan
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