Musical Halloween



We are having a Musical Halloween week at Music Room!


We will learn Halloween songs, play instruments, do (spo0oky) arts and crafts, and enjoy yummy and of course spooky snacks!


It will be a skele-ton of fun!


Come join us this Halloween and let’s enjoy a fang-tastical time! Boo-k your place here!




New Group Classes starting! 

What do you think about Weekend classes?


We have had a few requests from parents and students regarding weekend classes and it is something we at Music Room are definitely interested in. We would love to know whether this is something you would like, how many students would participate as well as how often we could make it happen. If you are interested in the idea of weekend musical group classes we invite you to give us your ideal preferred times and type of classes in this form! :) 


JAZZ @ Music Room 


At the end of October Music Room is excited to host a Jazz Masterclass. This masterclass is for singers and music teachers who would like to step out of their comfort zone, experiment a little bit and get their creative juices flowing! If you would like to try something different from your usual singing repertoire this masterclass with Laura Osorio is for you!  


NOVEMBER SNEAK PEAK! Following along with the Jazz theme, in November we are also bringing a Jazz Voice Class twice a month hosted by Nina Pedersen. In this class you'll be able to explore your voice and improve your musicality through different exercises that include vocal technique, ear-training, rhythm and harmony. This Jazz Voice Class is open for everybody who is curious about Jazz, who already knows a little, but would love to learn more, and for those who'd love to sing outside the shower!


If you would like to know more information and/or join any of these classes, send us an email at [email protected]


Musical Therapy in Music Room


Music is therapy in itself, what does this mean for us? That music acts as a mantle of tranquility, it makes us feel good, happy, optimistic, it connects us with the instinctive part of our creative self. It relaxes us, it contributes to our well being, and it is a form of communication and expression.


But what if we don't always have all the abilities to communicate with the world around us in traditional ways? Music can help us to develop tools that for some reason or condition we do not have at hand at the moment.

Both children and adults can experience these moments in life.


We are very excited to welcome Lisa Metsamaa to Music Room. Lisa has worked as a music therapist in London, Northern Ireland and now in Lisbon. She has experience in a variety of clinical settings with both adults and children and within a range of varying needs including learning difficulties, social and emotional difficulties, autism, mainstream primary schools, early years, and a variety of mental health conditions.


From mid-October onwards, we will offer both individual and group sessions.

We will be happy to give you more information about these sessions, don’t hesitate to contact us [email protected]


* All this information can be found on our website in Portuguese as well. Saiba mais sobre a Music Room e as nossas aulas aqui :) 


If you've been wanting to practice an instrument or sing but haven't found a place to do it,

you can rehearse here at Music Room.

Get in touch with us to know more! :) 


'' Music expresses feeling and thought, without language; it was below and before speech, and it is above and beyond all words '' ― Robert G. Ingersoll

Social Links

Our mailing address is:

[email protected]


© 2019 by Music Room Lisboa


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