The Indigo Hub: For & About You, Dear Indigo!
Dear Indigo sisters and brothers,
You have a Merkaba vehicle and it is waiting for you to pick it up and activate it.
Below you will find a brief explanation of what your Merkaba is, as it was channeled to me the summer of 2022. I was advised recently that it is time to share that information with Indigos who are ready to ascend to a higher level of awareness
It is a vehicle which you used to assist you with your incarnation to planet earth. It protected you during your arrival and through your arrival for a time. It also helps you to move about interdimesnionally.
Your merkaba is dormant at the moment and is awaiting your activation of it.
The shape of your merkaba looks like 2 pyramids on top of each other. It is not solid and you can fit inside of it. Eventually you will be able manipulate it's shape when necessary. They are similar to the images below. *It is not a pentagram. Google a pentagram and merkaba you will see the difference* Look at figures, A, B
Figure A.
Figure B.
As you may or may not be aware as part of the Indigo Ascension process it is important to Activate your Merkaba Vehicle. I've written a book called Indigo Merkaba Activation in e-book form, which you can purchase and download for a discounted price of just $7USD.
Why $7USD?
Because you took the time to click this special link & sign up for our newsletter and updates below you will receive a discount code to use on our website where the book is normally $11.
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here ➡️ JSM7UFHB This coupon code is applicable to one download purchase per person.
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Not Sure about this whole Merkaba thing? Check out what one of our Indigo Sisters say's happened to her when she just picked up her merkaba vehicle.
Last year 2023, June 17, 18, and 19th something shifted in the planetary magnetic field Schumann's Resonance went off the charts. Something that has never been seen before or since. Below is a graph of Schumann's Resonance.
If you are not familiar with Shumann's Resonance you can check out the Wikipedia here
What does this have to do with activating my merkaba? I was working on a video about this special event when I noticed within the graph below there is sacred geometry as well as what looks like the merkaba shape.
I posted a video about it on my TikTok which you can watch here @indigoempress584 or you can watch on YouTube
Copy to Paste or write down Your Indigo Merkaba Discount Code
here ➡️ JSM7UFHB This coupon code is applicable to one download purchase per person.
Submit your email to purchase the Indigo Merkaba Activation E-Book, The Indigo Room Newsletter & future Indigo Updates
If you would like more information on clearing your energy and activating your merkaba join our email list below.
Please submit your email below to purchase the Indigo Merkaba Activation E-book for just $7 join The Indigo Room emailing list for The Indigo Room Newsletter & future Indigo updates.
**After you subscribe to our email list you will be redirected to our Indigo Room store on our website, where you can purchase your Merkaba e-book for just $7 which you can then conveniently download it to your computer, tablet or mobile phone.**
Love to you Dear Indigo,
Sydney Indigo_Empress
Copy to Paste or write down Your Indigo Merkaba Discount Code
here ➡️ JSM7UFHB This coupon code is applicable to one download purchase per person.
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