My Little One & Me is back to Music Room!

We are so happy that My Little One & Me classes are back and as we head into October, all classes will be back at Music Room and no longer in Estrela Park. 


Every Thursday starting at 10:30am as always, we will be here ready to sing, dance & play with you and your little ones!


BOOK YOUR SPOT HERE as spots fill up very quickly and we have limited spaces!


For more info about Sahida, the teacher, and about the class, click here.



Digital Music Making now at 5:15pm on Tuesdays

One of our favourite classes Digital Music Making will now be on Tuesdays at 5:15pm.


This is a great one that gets kids involved with music through a different lens and perspective that adds to the experience of learning music as a whole and enables them to be creative and experiment with sound in a new way.


If you would like to give this class a try, we highly recommend it - contact us HERE!


(And it's not just great for kids ;))


Last few spots for Intro to Music 4-5yo



Our amazing Introduction to Music Classes are pretty much all filled up which we are really happy about! 


We only have a few spaces available on the Thursday class at 4:15pm so if you'd like your little one to take part make sure to sign them up asap!


Every Thursday from 4:15pm to 5pm.


Click HERE to know more information and sign up :)


Workshops for adults

We have had quite a few classes and workshops for adults over the years (and still very much do!) - like the Jazz Voice Class (it's a hit! Feel free to sign up here if you're up for it), Piano for No Pianists, the voice masterclass, piano meet ups, among other events and concerts that we have hosted. We would love to continue with these masterclasses and workshops going forward so we would love to hear from you! 


What sort of workshop/project would you like to see at Music Room and would be interested in? We are open to any and all ideas!


We plan on doing a Digital Music Making workshop/class for adults as making music and experimenting with sound can be done in several different ways, and sometimes we don't need to master an instrument to be able to get creative and play around with music (but they're great too!! ;)) 


If you have any suggestions please just let us know here in this form, or feel free to tell us in person if you're ever at Music Room! :)


Jam Session in October

This is for students of individual instrument classes. There is no age limit but ideally they have already been playing their instrument for a year, and are at an intermediate level.


We have hosted jams like this last year and they went super well, the students loved it! It is a great opportunity for them to play with others, in more of a band/group setting. We strongly encourage it as they learn so much from playing their instrument with other students who are on the same level with other instruments, and they have loads of fun! 

This is a free activity - 2h


To sign up, you can can find the event on Kydemy (will show up the 14th October date) and you can add yourself/your kid to it! :)



We are excited to introduce a new musical learning system we intend to start sharing it here at Music Room, numberphony, and MR will be the first place in Lisbon to offer it. 


Numberphony was created by Sergio Aschero - a Doctor in Musicology, composer and mathematician. 


Aschero's numberphony is based on mathematical sciences (geometry and arithmetic), optics (colours and shapes), acoustics and linguistics, which makes it very clear and understandable for children as young as three years old. It is a logical system that allows everyone, with no exception, to read, write, interpret and create music, cultured or popular, including adults, teenagers, children and people who present areas of difficulty or with special needs.


Stay tuned as we plan on welcoming numberphony to Music Room this year.

If you would like to know more about rehearsal rentals please click on this link! 

* All this information can be found on our website in Portuguese as well. Saiba mais sobre a Music Room e as nossas aulas aqui :) 

“Music is life itself. What would this world be without good music? No matter what kind it is.” - Louis Armstrong

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[email protected]


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